Wednesday 18 July 2018

Germany - Day 10

We drove down to Schaalsee Campground, and hired a Canadian canoe for 4 hours. We paddled up into the Pipersee then to the Salemer See.

At times it was a little windy, which set us off course a bit.

We stopped at Salem and tied the boat up, and sat on the side for a sandwich.

We then carried on up the canal towards Ratzeburg, but didn't have time to go all the way.

We returned the boat back to the camp, then went for a walk in the forest round a peninsula in the lake. The forests are full of Scots Pine, which we thought quite strange.

On the way home we stopped for a walk at the village of Schlagsdorf. This has an interesting history, as before unification it was in the 5km border exclusion zone, and people could only enter with special passes.

It has the old border post, and reconstructions of the border fence.

We saw a couple of deer in a field.

We drove home. For dinner we had schnitzel and salad, though it wasn't a very good quality schnitzel, basically spam in breadcrumbs!

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