Monday 23 July 2018

Germany - Day 15

We drove to Ratzeburg again, and this time hired a rowing boat on the Ratzeburg See for 3 hours. It was quite fun but not very fast and we didn't really get very far.

We sailed through the channel between the island and the mainland, past some lilies and a fountain.

We then drove to the village of Breesen, and went for a shortish walk. There was some marshland where birds can be seen, but it was quite dried out and we didn't see much.We came upon a bit of water and two grey cranes took off as soon as we got there.

We drove on and parked at the Garrensee, a popular swimming lake. Scott went for a swim! The water was lovely.

We went home, and for dinner on our last night we had ratatouille and pasta. We did some packing later.

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