Monday 13 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 20 - Ruta Botanica

It was cooler today, cloudy and a chilly wind. We drove north to Alcaucin, then a further 5k to the Alcazar Area Recreativo.

This had many picnic and barbecue areas, obviously well used in season though it was quiet today.

We walked the Ruta Botanica, which was fairly short but had good views of the mountains above and the valley below. Unfortunately we didn't see any ibex or other goats.

We later had lunch at a viewpoint in the car, then drove down to a reservoir that we had seen, Embalse de la Viñuela. We went for a short walk round the water side.

We had good views of La Maroma, the highest peak in the natural park, with its top covered in cloud.

After this we drove back to Cómpeta, stopping to look at a cemetery in Sayalonga on the way.

Dinner was beefburger, sauté potatoes, onions and peas.

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