Sunday 12 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 19 - Chillar Gorge

Today we were walking the Chillar Gorge, which starts just outside Nerja. We drove there, finding out we had to park about half a mile away.

The gorge walk uses paths at first beside the river Chillar.

Then as we went further upstream there were more and more places where we had to walk in the river itself.

We passed a waterfall.

At times the sides of the gorge were completely vertical, and we could touch both sides at once.

At other times we had to clamber up small waterfalls and clumps of rock.

Eventually we reached the path junction where we had our lunch.

To make it a circular walk we ascended a path up out of the gorge to reach an acequia, or water channel, and started walking along this. At times it was in fairly poor condition, and we were walking along a foot wide wall above a steep drop!

About a third of the way back, we came across a red sign saying "Sin Salida" (no exit) so we had to divert. Fortunately there was a path uphill at that point, so we took it, ascending about an extra 150m.

Then along a ridge and descending back to the end of the acequia.

Then descending steeply further back down to the gorge. This extra bit made it a tiring day.

We went home, later having dinner of roast vegetables.

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