Friday 10 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 17 - Frigiliana

We drove down and parked the car at the Nerja Caves car park. We were walking a one-way walk north to the village of Frigiliana.

First we went up a spectacular gorge, with a dry river bed.

Then there were various paths and tracks up to a pass with great views. 

We passed a few trains of hairy caterpillars. There were also a lot of caterpillar nests in the pine trees, not sure if they're the same species.

Next it was steeply down into the Chillar Gorge, which had water in it and was a lovely lunch spot.

The climb up was steep, and it was very hot by now. We took some shade at every opportunity.

The path went up and down through several more gorges, before a final steep path down to a track leading into Frigiliana. It was quite punishing in the heat.

After sitting to cool down next to a water fountain, we discovered that a bus was just about to leave for Nerja, so we took it. At Nerja we had time for a short walk to get a beer before getting another bus back to the car at the caves.

Once there we unfortunately found out the cave opening times had changed, and it wasn't open in the evening. We decided to drive back to Frigiliana to spend a little more time there.

We had a short stroll and a drink on a terrace.

To get home, one of the satnavs said there was a direct route through the mountains to Cómpeta, so we tried to find it. After a few false starts we eventually worked out it wasn't a proper road, but a dirt track. We took it anyway.

It went through a ford with a steep bank at one point. We passed through the tiny village of El Acebuchal, which actually is only accessible by dirt tracks. It was quite a nerve wracking journey.

Eventually we popped back out onto the main road to Cómpeta, somewhat later than expected, and agreeing to stick to the main roads in future. Back at the apartment we had chicken curry again for dinner.

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