Friday 3 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 10 - Gibraltar

Today we decided to visit Gibraltar, which is about 100km away. We drove to the town on the Spanish side of the border, La Línea de la Concepción, and parked the car.

We walked over the border, showing our passports twice at the border controls.

The road goes right across the runway of Gibraltar airport, so we had to wait as a plane was just coming in to land.

We walked along the Main Street, then up onto the Rock nature reserve. It was very interesting seeing the contrast between Gibraltar and Spain. British money, policemen, traffic lights, phone boxes and post boxes.

We went into the Moorish castle, with good views down to the town.

Then into the impressive Siege Tunnels.

Then we walked right up to the top, though there was heavy rain when we got there.

We saw lots of the famous Barbary apes.

We then went to St Michael's cave which was stunning.

Then we went back down to the town, and had a pint of Old Speckled Hen in the Clipper Inn. After this we went for a walk round the cemetery.

We had fish and chips at Roy's world famous chippy.

Then we walked back over the border and drove home. It was quite late by the time we got home.

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