Thursday 9 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 16 - Cómpeta Northern Circuit

Today we did the Cómpeta Northern Circuit walk. First steeply uphill out of the village, then up tracks and paths to a viewpoint.

Then down and up along a path, passing abandoned farms and old limekilns along the way.

Eventually we got to the highest point of the walk, the pass called Puerto Blanquillo at 1230m. We had a welcome shaded rest under a tree.

After that we walked down a dry river bed for a while, before we joined another stream that had water in it. There were a few more abandoned farms.

We followed this all the way to Fabrica de Luz (factory of light), a disused hydroelectric power station. These days it is a picnic and barbecue area.

After that the path went through plantations of olives, avocados, sweet chestnuts and walnuts. We reached the chapel at the tiny village of Canillas de Albaida.

After that it was down through lush irrigated terraces back to Cómpeta.

After freshening up we went out for a walk round the village, checking out restaurants. We had a drink in a bar which had a balcony with a great view across the village. We went back to the apartment for dinner, potatoes, onion, tomato and Serrano ham.

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