Sunday 5 March 2017

Andalucia - Day 12 - Doñana National Park

We got up really early and drove to Sanlucar de Barameda as we were going on a boat trip at 10. It was into the Doñana National Park on the boat Real Fernando. When we got there we first had a stroll to the beach and pier and saw the ferry come in.

First we picked up our tickets at the visitor centre, and had a look round.

Then we went outside and watched our boat arrive.

On the boat trip there were only about 30 people. We saw lots of birds: stork, flamingos, ospreys, egrets, spoonbills, swallows, red kite, cormorants etc. Also red deer and fallow deer.

We stopped for a short walk and talk at salt marshes, where some flamingos took off from nearby.

Then we got back on the boat and sailed to the other side of the river.

We stopped at an old village of thatched cottages used by the original inhabitants. We walked to a couple of viewpoints and saw wild boar, red deer and fallow deer.

We then sailed back to Sanlucar. We walked round the town for a bit, going in to the popular Casa Balbino taverna where we had their speciality, tortilleta de camarones. These are deep fried crispy pancakes with whole tiny shrimps in them. They were delicious.

We then walked round the old town, buying some pastries in a baker for later. We drove back, stopping for a short walk at Zahora on the way. It looked nice but everything was still closed for the season.

We passed right next to a storks nest on a tree stump.

For dinner we made our own tapas of chorizo and cheese followed by our pastries with the Pedro Ximinez sherry.

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