Friday 30 September 2016

Athens and Peloponnese - Day 7

This morning Stella had left us fresh melon and grapes, which we had with our breakfast.

We were out early again for a walk up the hills behind the town. First up an old mule track through olive groves, with great views back down to Kardamili and the coast.

Soon we arrived at the tiny village of Petrovouni. There were sacks and nets out ready for the olive harvest.

We walked out of the village past a chapel and cemetery, and along a flat path though more olive trees.

We passed a strange cave chapel.

Eventually we arrived in Proastio, and had our lunch by its church. There were lots of pomegranate trees around.

After lunch we went down a steep track with more great views.

At the bottom we went to Kalamitsi beach, where we went for a swim.

We then walked along to the harbour at the edge of town where we stopped for a rest from the heat.

In town we had a frozen yogurt, blueberry flavour. We decided to go to the beach at the north end of town where we had another swim and lay in the sun for a while.

We went back to the apartment for a shower and rest. Yet again there was a magnificent sunset available just out of our window.

We then went out to dinner at Diskouros restaurant. It has a great setting overlooking the harbour.

We had their special salad, roasted giant beans, grilled Talagani cheese and pork souvlaki. All was very good, for 42 euros.

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