Tuesday 13 September 2016

Glen Nevis & Skye - Day 9

We had an early start as the weather was great, sunny and calm.

We walked straight from the site up to Coire Lagan, below the Cuillins, about 500m of ascent. There were great views down to the coast.

The lochan there was idyllic.

We were back down for about 12, and rebooked into the site for another night.

Then we walked out to the end of the peninsula at the east side of Loch Brittle. It turned out to be quite a long tough walk. We saw a seal in the sea, and loads of deer.

The island of Rum was just out to sea.

We had good views back to the Cuillins, and could see the top of the Inaccessible Pinnacle, with people waiting to climb it.

Later there was another beautiful sunset.

We had tuna and pasta for dinner  and played Scrabble.

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