Wednesday 7 September 2016

Glen Nevis & Skye - Day 3

We had a later start today, setting off for a walk about 11. This time we were cycling up the glen for 3 miles before locking the bikes and walking up hill.

We were heading up Mullach nan Coirean, and near the start we took the wrong path as it had been diverted because of tree felling. We back tracked and eventually found the right one. It was very boggy at times, and visibility was poor, though eventually the sun started to break through.

We made it to the top OK, and by now it was clear enough to see over to Ben Nevis.

Then it was a ridge walk to the summit of Stob Ban, which was distinctively covered in white quartz as opposed to the red stone elsewhere.

We had a good view down to the final leg of the West Highland Way.

After that it was a long walk back to the bikes and a cycle down the glen. We didn't get back to the campervan until nearly 6.30. For dinner we had salmon steaks and vegetables.

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