Thursday 29 September 2016

Athens and Peloponnese - Day 6

We got up and started to prepare our breakfast, only to find the lovely Stella had left us pancakes and honey on the balcony, so we had those instead.

We went for a drive today, first going 5km south to Stoupa where we went for a walk at the seafront.

As in in most places we visited, there were loads of cats around.

Next we stopped at the town of Areopoli. We walked down to the cliff edge, then back through the old town.

Then we drove further south to the Diros caves, where we paid our 26 euros and were punted round the cave system in a boat.

It was over a kilometre sailing through the caves, with a final walk at the end. We saw lots of stalactites and stalagmites.

Eventually we came out into daylight.

We drove a little further round the coast to a beach and had some lunch and a paddle.

We then went further south into the "deep Mani", seeing lots of little villages with the typical tower houses. We stopped at Mezapos where we went down to a tiny cove and had a swim.

We next went to Vathia, which is picturesquely situated on a hill top with lots of ruined tower houses. We had a good wander round.

We carried on down when the Mani peninsula almost to the tip, where we could see both sides. All the old terraces where they used to cultivate this now barren land were amazing.

We drove back up the east coast, then across and back to the apartment. When we got back Stella came out and gave us a couple of beers.

For dinner we went out to By Giorgios and had stuffed courgette, local sfelas cheese, smoked pork and tzatziki. It was pretty average, and came to 36 euros.

On the way home we stopped for a couple of drinks in the main street.

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