Sunday 15 September 2024

Northern Ireland - Day 13

From the Annalong car park we drove towards the south side of the Mourne Mountains and managed to get a space in the small free Carrick Little car park. We then walked into the Annalong valley, which was a very nice track to start with.

They have very distinctive walls around there, built with large granite boulders.

We then started climbing steeply up to the summit of Slievelamangan (702 metres). From the top we had good views, we could see the reservoir we'd been to yesterday.

From there we walked over two more peaks, Cove Mountain and Slieve Beg.

The descent from Slieve Beg wasn't very nice, quite a steep rocky slope. We had good views of Slieve Donard though.

We had some reasonable walking for a while, on a famous trail called the Brandy Pad. Views of all the peaks around were great.

Unfortunately the nice path came to an end when we had to follow the Mourne Wall for a couple of miles through the Bog of Donard, a peat bog with a very indistinct path. Lots of squelchy bits and big ups and downs made it very hard.

Eventually we came to a drier bit, and further on onto the road. We still had about a mile of road walking to do. The whole walk was about 17 km with 850 metres of ascent.

We got back to the same car park in Annalong village for an overnight stay. Despite it having been very busy on Saturday night, it turned out we were the only ones in it tonight.

It was a lovely evening. For dinner we had vegetebal Bolognese with pasta.

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