Tuesday 3 September 2024

Northern Ireland - Day 1

We left at 7 in the morning to drive to the Stena port at Cairnryan. We stopped nearby to give Oscar a short walk before we checked in.

We joined the queue for the ferry and boarded about 11am, leaving Oscar in the van.

We had a coffee on board. The crossing was a little choppy but not too bad.

We arrived on time in Belfast port at about 2pm, and disembarked quite quickly.

We drove through Belfast towards our campsite at Dundonald. It struck us straight away how many unionist flags were on display in East Belfast, it was quite surprising.

We arrived at Dundonald camp site and set up.

We weren't far from Stormont Castle, the seat of the Northern Ireland parliament, so walked there and went round its extensive grounds.

On the way back we went in to the Ruby Inn for a drink, it was the only pub for miles. We began to discover that Northern Ireland is a bit of a real ale desert. However they do have a good pint of Guinness.

Back at the campervan we had grilled salmon with potatoes, peas, sweetcorn and carrots.

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