Wednesday 21 June 2023

France - Day 9

We walked from the site, through the nearby village of Cenac, then on a track through oak forest. There were lots of different orchids, and lichen-covered trees.

As we circled through more open countryside and farmland we got good views of the medieval hilltop village of Domme.

It was very quiet in the countryside, but as we approached Domme it got a lot busier. We went through the gates and had a wander through the streets.

At one side there is a steep escarpment with views over the Dordogne river.

We walked along to the other end of the village where there is a restored windmill and a converted water tower.

Our map showed a short cut back down, but it turned out to be a very little used path with a lot of thorny undergrowth, past terraces of fruit and veg. We eventually emerged back in Cenac though.

We walked across the bridge over the Dordogne, then down river for a bit. We saw canoes, and lots of floating flowers on the water.

Later for dinner we had pasta with Camembert, lardons and mushrooms.

There was a big thunderstorm in the night, with lots of heavy rain.

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