Monday 26 June 2023

France - Day 14

We packed up and left the site, and drove to the village of Tremolat, stopping at Lidl on the way for shopping.

We parked in an aire in the centre of the village, and set off on our walk.

We got to a viewpoint over the Dordogne River.

We walked down towards the river, but found that the path shown in the walking book going through a camp site was now closed to non-residents so we had to divert. After going along the road a while we eventually got back down to the river bank and stopped for lunch near a bridge.

We looped back through the village. In this area there are lots of hazelnut plantations, in contrast to the walnut trees we've seen in most of the other parts of the Dordogne so far.

We passed the gate of an old mansion and Oscar was very curious.

We got back to the van, and since it was early we decided not to stay there, but to drive further towards Bergerac where we wanted to be tomorrow. So we found a free aire at Sainte-Saveur, a tiny village.

We stayed there and had fresh pasta with sauce for dinner. We went for a stroll round the village in the evening.

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