Friday 23 June 2023

France - Day 11

We left Sarlat and stopped at a big pet shop for some treats and food for Oscar, then the supermarket for provisions. We then drove to Les Eyzies on the River Vézère and parked in a public car park.

The whole area has limestone cliffs covered in both natural and man-made caves, some very ancient.

We went for a walk, first over the river, which was a very muddy brown colour after all the recent rain.

The route took us along the road which had caves up on the cliffs all the way.

We turned up into Devil's Gorge and headed up through forests. At one point there were tracks worn into the bedrock from ancient carriages moving stone from a quarry.

We had lunch by a picturesque man-made lake.

As we looped back towards the start we passed a village that had old houses built into the caves.

Back at Les Eyzies it was very hot, so we sat in the shade for a while. We then went for a walk round the village. It has a strange statue of a caveman set in the cliffs above.

We had a drink in a café then went back to the van. We'd decided to book into the campsite just across the river, Camping la Rivière. It looks a very nice site, with a picturesque location, modern facilities and a swimming pool.

Later for dinner we had a barbecue, with paprika chicken thighs, courgette, tomato, coleslaw and new potatoes.

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