Sunday 18 June 2023

France - Day 6

We had breakfast at a picnic bench just next to our pitch.

We did a walk from the site today. First we revisited the viewpoint just down the road, as the light was from a better angle. You can see Rocamadour with its basilica and chateau clinging to the cliff.

The route went up out of the village through the countryside, then curved down beside a railway and then into the gorge of the Alzou river.

There are limestone pavement type rock formations in the area.

It's a lovely walk through the gorge. There are at least 5 or 6 ruined watermills that we passed on the way.

The river is mainly dried up at this time of year, but there were occasional pools that Oscar could have a dip in to cool down.

Eventually we emerged at Rocamadour village at the bottom of the cliff.

We walked through the medieval gates, and bought ourselves an ice cream in the old town.

To get to the basilica there's a big stone staircase.

Inside there's a famous Black Madonna statue.

We carried on up the cliff-side, past the stations of the cross and a cave chapel, to the chateau at the top.

From the top the views down to the roofs of the village below were interesting.

The walk back to the site from the top of the cliff was quite flat then. It was still pretty hot though.

Later back at the site we had salmon, green beans, sweetcorn and new potatoes for dinner.

There was a lot of thunder and lightning during the night.

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