Saturday 24 June 2023

France - Day 12

We walked from the site this morning, first back over the river to the village, then onto the Cro Magnum path through the forest starting behind the station.

The oak forest gave us some welcome shade from the sun. There were spiders' webs covered in dew near the start. As we walked on, we got a view of the Château de Marzac through the trees.

We passed a spring where Oscar had a drink, and then a village washing pool which I think is fed by the spring.

We crossed the River Vézère and started heading downstream.

We walked down to the Madeleine Troglodyte Village and paid to go in. This is a village set into caves, that has been there for thousands of years. The dwellings were inhabited from the Upper Paleolithic period right up to the Middle Ages.

Our entry ticket also included the associated farm, so we had a look round there. It wasn't very exciting, but we did see a pig and a tobacco field.

We walked back to the site, passing many more caves and cave houses along the road.

We went for a swim in the swimming pool later, it was very refreshing.

For dinner, tonight's barbecue was the rest of the chicken, some sausages , courgette, tomato, new potatoes and cucumber salad.

Later we had a game of boules, which came to an abrupt end when Oscar stole the jack and chewed it!

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