Wednesday 14 June 2023

France - Day 2

We left the site about 8.30am, and drove to the car park at Ryka's café at Box Hill in Surrey, where we were meeting Barry for a walk and some lunch.

We had a coffee first, then went for a walk up Box Hill itself. It was quite hot and sunny, and we had good views from the top.

After walking back down we had lunch at Ryka's. We both had burger and chips.

We left Barry and drove onwards to Newhaven for the ferry. We went to Sainsburys first to buy some sandwiches for the trip, then checked in at the ferry terminal at about 3.

We got on board about 4.30, and left Oscar in the campervan. The ship sailed on time at 5.

We had good views along the coast of the Seven Sisters and Beachy Head.

The trip took about 4 hours, arriving in Dieppe about 10pm French time.

We drove off then ferry and it was only a 2 minute drive to the aire on the quayside where we were staying. We had a quick stroll around the area then went to bed.

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