Friday 16 June 2023

France - Day 4

We walked from the site this morning, heading for Chambord Chateau a few miles away. After leaving the village we came to the huge forest surrounding the chateau, mainly oak trees.

Eventually we got a view of the very elaborate chateau.

We stopped for some lunch then walked round the back to where there's a large lawn and a walled garden.

We had a better view from the back, the spires and towers are really amazingly intricate.

We retraced our steps back to the campsite. By the time were were walking through the village it was very hot and we were searching out bits of shade.

Back at the campsite we saw a red squirrel on a tree.

After going to the beer kiosk for a drink we had our dinner, salad with local cheese, walnuts, green beans and new potatoes.

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