Sunday 25 June 2023

France - Day 13

We decided to stay a third night at the site. The reception area has some nice old buildings.

We went on a canoe trip on the river. Leaving Oscar in the van, we walked over to the canoe hire place, booked in and got kitted up.

The company takes you and the canoe in a minibus and launches you into the river, and you make your own way back. We decided to go to La Roque St-Christophe.

It was a nice relaxing paddle back to the start, taking about two and a half hours.

We passed the Madeleine Troglodyte Village we'd been to yesterday, and had good views of it.

After we got back we just chilled for the rest of the day. We did a load of washing, which all dried very quickly.

We also went for a swim in the swimming pool.

Later for dinner we had Spanish tortilla and vegetables.

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