Saturday 19 May 2018

Homeless Trip - Day 4

Today we climbed Blencathra with Barry and Phil. After breakfast we walked to Booths supermarket next to the bus station. Then we all caught a bus to Threlkeld at the base of the hill.

It was very sunny for most of the day. The first bit of the ascent was fairly steep, then it flattened out near the top.

There were lots of gliders and parascenders around. The views over the Lake District were amazing.

We descended to the west, where we could see climbers on the Sharp Edge route.

Then there was a long walk back to Threlkeld.

There we had a pint in the Horse & Farrier Inn while we waited for the bus back to Keswick.

After showering and changing we met up back in town at the King's Arms. We decided to go for a Thai meal, so we went to the Asaya. The food was pretty good there.

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