Monday 28 May 2018

Homeless Trip - Day 13

We walked from the site on the morning, down the West Highland Way which was just outside.

We then headed off east up Conic Hill. It was steep going and the weather was hot and sunny.

Near the top we joined the WHW again, it was pretty busy. From the summit the views were amazing.

There was a bride and groom getting photographed.

We descended down to Balmaha, and caught the little ferry across to the island of Inchcailloch.

There we had our lunch on the beach then walked to the summit of the island with great views.

Then down to the beach at the other side which was very busy.

We completed the circumference, seeing an old burial ground.

Then we caught the ferry back. We had a drink at the Oak Tree then followed the WHW back to site.

For dinner we had a barbecue, pork and vegetables, corn cobs and new potatoes.

We had a stroll to the site's beach later.

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