Saturday 23 May 2015

North East Scotland day 5

Before breakfast we went for a run along coast into town and back. Breakfast was outside in the sunshine. After showering we left the site about 11 and drove to Buchaness lighthouse, where we had a walk around.

We drove to Cruden Bay and had a walk to the spectacular beach with Amber.

Then we left Amber in the campervan and walked to Slains Castle, going inside and climbing up the tower.

We had lunch back at the campervan then drove to Inverbervie for an ice cream and also visited the lifeboat exhibition. We carried on to St Cyrus National Nature Reserve, where we had a walk along under cliffs then back along beach.

We decided to stay our last night in Arbroath, at the Red Lion campsite. We checked in, set up TV (for Eurovision Song Contest!) and had dinner of pasta and tuna.

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