Thursday 21 May 2015

North East Scotland day 3

After showers and breakfast we packed up and left the site at about 10.30. We drove to Whitehills, the next village east along the cost, and had a walk around the harbour. There was a little light rain.

We then carried on east to Banff, where we had a walk on the beach. Then on to Gardenstown, where we stopped for lunch of oatcakes and cheese. We then left Amber in the campervan and walked along the coast to Crovie, a very picturesque fishing village, then back to the harbour.

On then to the RSPB reserve at Troup Head, where we saw lots of gannets, gullimots etc.

After this we drove to Pennan, the fishing village made famous by the film Local Hero. Unfortunately the Pennan Inn was shut.

We then made our way to New Aberdour Bay, where we wild camped for the night. Dinner was pasta and sauce, later we had a walk along the beach.

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