Monday 10 September 2012

Jasper - Maligne Canyon and Five Lakes

Breakfast wasn't included at this accommodation, so out to the Soft Rock Cafe for bacon skillet and pancakes with maple syrup.

Very wet and windy to start with. We drive to Pyramid Lake but raining too hard to tempt us out for a walk.

We decide to go to Maligne Canyon and by the time we got there it had more or less cleared up. This a  canyon in limestone rocks that has eroded so much it was sometimes difficult to see the water.

Then on for a hike round the Five Lakes.

Saw a snake on the path, Shirley didn't scream (much).

Driving back to Jasper we came across a Bear Jam! Lots of cars at the side of the road, there was a Black Bear eating some leaves just inside the tree line.

Also caught a glimpse of a wolf, which is quite rare. Then some more elk just as we came into town.

Dinner that night at the Kim Chee House Korean restaurant.

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