Thursday 6 September 2012

Banff - Johnston Canyon

Jet lag meant we were awake far too early, so got up and went for a drive in the car before breakfast. Went round the Golf Course Loop Road which goes through a forest next to the Bow River. Came across a herd of Elk.

Passed the Bow Falls on the way back.

Back to the B&B for breakfast - fruit salad, scones, delicious muffins, etc.
We decided that today's walk would be to Johnston Canyon, a few miles north of Banff. It was still a bit dull when we started but later cleared up and became very sunny and warm. Saw dozens of spectacular waterfalls, and a few red squirrels on the way.

We walked as far as a set of pools called the Ink Pots, which are filled from underground springs.

Then we drove back towards Banff and up the Norquay mountain road to the Norquay ski resort area. Walked to the top of Stoney Squaw mountain (1,868m, 6,129ft), which had good views of Cascade Mountain.
Then on to Lake Minniewanka, Two Jack Lake and Lake Johnston.

For dinner we went out to The Old Spaghetti Factory for pasta.

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