Friday 7 September 2012

Banff - Lake Louise

Up and out before breakfast again! This time we went round the Fenland Loop Walk on the outskirts of town. Saw red squirrels, then a herd of elk wandering along the railway line.

The bark on the Aspen trees here has bear clawmarks...

After breakfast we drove to the Lake Louise area. There we did the longest walk of the holiday, going via Mirror Lake, Lake Agnes and the Big Beehive (2,270m, 7,448ft), then on to the Plain of the Six Glaciers, with great views onto the Victoria Glacier. This was spectacular! Saw ground squirrels and chipmunks around the area.

Weather was brilliant all day, warm and sunny. We drove to see Moraine Lake on the way home.

Too tired to do anything but have a couple of beers and snack food for dinner at St James Gate pub - nachos and mini Yorkshire puddings.

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