Friday 3 June 2022

Shropshire - Day 5

Liz and Toby showed up this morning with a load of bottle water, as we still had the ongoing issue with the supply.

We all went on a circular walk from the house today. First we went down the road through Clun, then up through fields and along the side of Black Hill.

We went down through the village of Clunton, then up Clunton Hill where we stopped for lunch.

We then went to Sunny Hill where there is a iron age hill fort know as Burrow Camp.

We then made our way back to the house. Fortunately by this time the water supply problem had been sorted.

A few of us went to the pub before dinner. Jenny and Pete gave the two of us a lift into the village, we went to the White Horse.

Back at the house Stuart had made us vegetable curry for dinner, which was very good.

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