Tuesday 21 June 2022

Germany - Day 2

Despite leaving Newcastle early yesterday, we were a little late arriving in Amsterdam (actually it's the port of Ijmuiden on the North Sea coast).

We disembarked quickly and headed for a nearby baker called Oscar's for coffee and pastries.

We had planned to spend a couple of nights on a site in the Netherlands. First we stopped for provisions and fuel in a village called Velp just outside Arnhem. We decided to stop for lunch and a walk near Fort Pannerden.

The waterway next to it was very busy with cargo traffic. It was only later that we looked at the map and realised it was the Rhine! (Known as the Waal in the Netherlands.)

We then drove on to our site, Het Gelderse Eiland, which is only a couple of miles from the German border. It's a nice quiet site round a pond with huge carp swimming in it, and also lots of frogs and some terrapins.

Later for dinner we had pork steaks, vegetables and new potatoes. There was a nice sunset.

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