Monday 27 June 2022

Germany - Day 8

We left Cochem and drove away from the Mosel river, to the village of Morsdorf. On the way we went to Aldi for some provisions.

At Morsdorf we parked on the stellplatz where we intended to stay overnight, then started walking towards the bridge we'd come to see.

This is the Geierlay Suspension Bridge, a footbridge 100m high and more than 300m long over a river gorge. It was quite busy. Surprisingly Oscar went over it without a problem.

We then carried on walking over various hills and valleys in the area. We spotted a pine martin running up a tree, but didn't manage to photograph it.

Back at the van we had fish fingers, chips, sweetcorn and green beans. Later we went for a walk round the (very quiet) village.

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