Saturday 25 June 2022

Germany - Day 6

We went for a walk along the Mosel from the site today. First we went along a footpath on the river bank, then on the cycle path which is between the road and the river. At times this was busy and not exactly very pleasant.

All along there are vineyards up the steep sides of the valley.

We saw red kites flying overhead.

Eventually we headed inland and up a gorge which took us much higher up, with good views back down to the Mosel.

We walked back at this high level, beside and through many vineyards. There were some obvious stag and hen parties being taken around on tractor trailers and getting lots of wine tasting.

The steep slopes had monorail tracks on them so the workers can get up without having to climb all the time.

Scott tripped and fell on the way down the path we were on. Skinned knees, shoulder and hands and either cracked or bruised ribs. Got up ok after catching breath, but pain in ribs stayed for the rest of the holiday.

We got back to the site and later for dinner had a barbecue - chicken skewers, pepper, courgette and tomato.

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