Friday 24 June 2022

Germany - Day 5

We went into Koblenz today. It's about a 6 kilometre walk, first along the Mosel than across a bridge and through the suburbs for a bit.

We walked over to the bank of the Rhine (Koblenz is at the confluence of the Mosel and the Rhine).

At the actual point of the confluence is a headland known as Deutsches Eck. Today this was all covered in tents as there was a running event on later in the day.

We had a walk round the city and found a bakery for lunch, we bought pizza and a large iced almond pastry and ate it on the bank of the Mosel.

We decided to take the cable car gondola which goes across the river and up to the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress on top of the cliff on the other side. Oscar was a bit shocked when the gondola lifted off!

We had a walk round the fort and also enjoyed the views back down to Koblenz.

Once back in the city we had a wander round looking at the sites of the old town.

We had a drink at a bar near the station then caught the train back to the village of Güls near the camp site.

We went into its REWE supermarket and bought some provisions. For dinner we had bratwurst, sauerkraut and kartofel salad.

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