Monday 2 March 2020

Spain - Day 8

Today we left the apartment in Murcia, but first we had to go to the dentist. They were most apologetic that they had erroneously asked us to come in on a Saturday, and Shirley was seen and dealt with straight away. The gum is healing nicely and shouldn't cause any more problems.

Our next Airbnb was in Almería, about 3 hours drive to the south. We stopped off in Lorca on the way, a town with a big castle on a hill dominating it.

We first visited the cathedral and its crypt.

We then decided to walk up to the castle, but found there wasn't really a pedestrian-friendly route to it and ended up doing a long walk round its whole circumference on the road.

After eating our lunch we carried on driving to Almería. We were met at the apartment by our host Amalia. It's a 3 bedroom apartment with a separate kitchen, so much bigger than the last place. No parking space though, so we just had to park in the street in the nearest space we could find.

It was very windy when we got there. We went out for a walk, first down to the promenade which is only a short distance away.

We walked into the city centre to get a map from Tourist Information.

We had a beer from a cafe then went home to make dinner, fish, chips and peas.

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