Saturday 7 March 2020

Spain - Day 13

We went for another walk in the Cabo de Gata Natural Park today. First we drove to the village of San Miguel de Cabo de Gata on the coast and parked.

We then walked inland round some natural salt marshes, passing a shepherd and his flock of mixed sheep and goats.

There were lots of flamingos and egrets, which you could watch from a few free access bird hides.

Further on there were man-made salt pans, that were purple in colour, and a large mound of salt at a factory.

Some nice wild flowers.

We decided to carry on round the coast road as far as the lighthouse. At the side of the road were some melons seemingly growing in the wild.

At the lighthouse is Mermaid's Reef, some spectacular rocks.

We then walked back to the car, a long way on a very straight section of road. Today we did over 21km.

We had a drink at a bar in the village then drove back to the apartment. For dinner we had fish and chips.

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