Sunday 8 March 2020

Spain - Day 14

We decided to drive to the mountain village of Ohanes in the Alpujarras, about an hour away. We parked at the top of the village and headed up the Rio Chico gorge.

Near the village there were lots of cultivated terraces, mainly with almond trees, irrigated by water channels.

Further up we passed an old water mill.

As we got higher there were terraces all the way up, but most of them had been abandoned.

There was more water around today than we'd seen for a while.

At the furthest point we reached a dam.

We went down the other side of the gorge on an easier path, passing more terraces and farming ruins.

Once we reached Ohanes again we had a walk round the narrow streets, then had a drink and tapas at a bar.

The walk was about 14km. As we left we got a good view of the village from the road.

We drove back to the apartment, and had shepherd's pie for dinner.

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