Sunday 15 March 2020

Spain - Day 21

Listening to the news and searching the Internet in the morning we were unsure if the lockdown was already in place, or if it was due to start on Monday morning. We'd seen both versions of the story.

We decided to go out anyway, reckoning at worst we'd get sent back to the apartment if stopped. We made sure we took our passports with us just in case.

The village was deserted and everything was closed.

We drove to the town of Calpe, and parked at a recreation ground at the base of the Oltà mountain. It was next to a campsite which was closed and taped off.

Oltà is a lump of rock about 500m high right next to the town. The path is a forest track round the base, and a steep rocky path up a gorge which leads to the summit.

Part way round there is a hermitage.

There are views down to the town, the most prominent feature is the Peñon De Ifach, a large rock right at the end of the beach.

On the way to the summit we passed some wild goats.

As we descended we passed through the rest of the goats, they were a bit smelly.

The walk was about 10km.

We drove into Calpe itself, it was eerily deserted. It has an inland salt lake with flamingos.

The Peñon De Ifach was taped off, as was the beach, so we were beginning to be pretty sure the lockdown had already started. However we were passed by police cars who didn't seem too bothered by us being there.

We drove back to the apartment without incident, and had fish and chips for dinner.

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