Saturday 14 March 2020

Spain - Day 20

Today we walked along the highest ridge in the area, the Aitana Ridge. Our starting point was a car park at Partagas far above the village of Benifato, at a height of about 1000m. There are water springs and a picnic and barbecue area.

We saw more people on this walk than on any other walk for the whole three weeks. We passed a group of British people on a walking holiday.

We reached a set of water troughs.

From there we headed steeply up, having to go through a narrow gap in the rocks known as Fat Man's Agony. We made it though!

From there it was pretty straightforward to get to the summit of Aitana at 1540m.

From there was an undulating 5km walk east along the ridge. Unfortunately it had clouded over a bit so the views weren't quite as good as they could have been.

While walking along the ridge, Scott got a phone call from his brother Les. They'd heard that Jet2 flights from Britain to Spain had turned back in mid-air because of the Coronavirus situation. This obviously caused us some concern as we were now not sure about our flight home in two days time.

We walked down from the ridge back towards the car park, through almond groves, some with loads of daisies growing below them.

The walk was about 14km.

Once back at the apartment we checked the news and it seemed Spain was preparing to go into lockdown. Our minds were put at rest a little when Jet2 texted to assure us our flight home on Monday would be going as scheduled.

We had pizza for dinner.

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