Sunday 18 August 2019

England and Wales - Day 17

We left the site and drove to Asda at Pembroke Dock for provisions. Then on to the Bosherston Lily Ponds for a walk. The lilys were just past their best but it was still a very nice walk.

We walked to the coast at Stackpole harbour.

The coast path from there back to Bosherston was spectacular, limestone cliffs, blowholes, beaches, rock climbers etc.

We had our lunch next to a large pond just in from the beach.

We drove to our next site, Oasis near Penally. This was in a field behind a closed-down pub, but it had all the facilities and it was fine.

We walked in to Penally village and had a pint at the Cross Inn. Later we had smoked salmon and pesto pasta for dinner at the campervan.

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