Tuesday 13 August 2019

England and Wales - Day 12

We walked from the site in the morning, first northwards to the coast at Whitesands beach.

We then went south on the coastal path, where we had views across to Ramsey Island. We saw a couple of seals on the way.

The channel between the mainland and the island had very fast moving tide, we watched a fishing boat get carried for a large distance.

We passed the old and new lifeboat stations.

At the furthest south part of the walk we arrived at the harbour of Porthclais where we bought an ice cream. There were limekilns there.

We walked up into the city of St Davids where we had a walk around, including going into the cathedral.

The organ had huge square pipes.

We had a pint in the Farmers Arms before walking back to the site. Later for dinner we had chicken and cannellini beans.

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