Tuesday 19 February 2019

Algarve - Day 8

We had quite a day today. First we discovered some fraudulent transactions had taken place on a credit card we'd brought with us but kept in Shirley's handbag in the wardrobe. On checking, we discovered it had gone missing, as had a silver necklace which had also been in the handbag.

At this point we recalled that a review we'd read of the apartment on booking.com had mentioned items going missing. We closely read all the reviews and discovered that a couple of others also had this problem.

We contacted the credit card company but decided not to confront the owners (who lived next door) at this point so as not to risk our final two days there, and also the 100 euros security deposit they'd taken.

Events overtook us, however, as shortly before we were going out for the day the electricity went off. We went next door to report this and Sonia, one of the owners, claimed theirs had gone off as well. This was obviously untrue, as we could see that their electric radiator was on. In any case she assured us the power would be restored shortly.

There being no point hanging about, we went off for a walk at the nature reserve near the Spanish border at Castro Marim. This was route 34 in the walk guide.

We started at the visitor centre, which looked like it was closed for the season. There was a restored windmill there.

The walk went round salt pans, some in use and some no longer active.

It's a major stopping off point for migrating flamingos, and we saw quite a few there.

The path we were on was very muddy from yesterday's rain, and our shoes got covered in it.

Back in Castro Marim we had our lunch in the village square, and while eating a sandwich Scott broke a tooth, the top of a canine coming completely off.

We visited the castle, which had good views of the salt pans and across to Spain.

We went back home, and found the electricity was still cut off. To cut a long story short, the owners became incommunicative and failed to help us, so we had to pack up and move out. We took some photos before we left, partly as evidence that we had left it in a good state.

Fortunately customer services at booking.com were very helpful and found us alternative accommodation at Pousada de Juventude, the youth hostel in the town centre.

We drove there and found we had a very decent twin room, with a bathroom shared by one other room. The hostel also had free wifi, kitchen facilities, and a continental breakfast was included in the price.

We decided to go out for dinner though, and had pizza at Mamma Mia Pizza in town.

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