Saturday 23 February 2019

Algarve - Day 12

We drove into the Monchique mountain range to Foia, which is a peak at about 900m with lots of antennas, a restaurant and car park.

We then did an 18km walk, route 15 from the Rother walking guide, first downhill past eucalyptus trees, pine trees and old abandoned terraces.

In August 2018 there had been a huge forest fire in the area which was still obvious to see. It had burned 27,000 hectares.

We passed a few streams and waterfalls. It was pretty hot and sunny.

Later we got to an abandoned settlement called Barbelote. There were a lot of people staring to gather there, we found out there was going to be a performance there later.

We carried on round the terraced land, before heading back uphill to Foia.

After the walk we drove to Monchique village. The local drink is Medronho, made from the fruit of the strawberry tree, we bought a small bottle. It's 51% alcohol.

We had a drink at a bar in the main square then drove home, stopping at the supermarket for provisions. Later for dinner we had chicken curry.

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