Sunday 24 February 2019

Algarve - Day 13

We drove to the west coast near Vila do Bispo and parked, to do walk 6 from the book. We walked towards the coast, first to a tower, then on to a viewpoint overlooking the long beaches.

We went down a steep slope to the beach, then walked 3km along the back of the beach.

We stopped at the end for lunch then went inland up and along forest tracks.

At one point we were passed by loads of 4x4s on a safari. Back at the car we drove to Cape St Vincent, the furthest south west point in mainland Europe. We walked to the lighthouse.

There were men fishing while perched precariously on the cliff face.

Then we drove to Sagres and visited the fort. It has a large circular wind rose which is used to determine the direction of the wind.

Behind it we walked round the headland to the small lighthouse. There were a few blowholes in the cliffs, one had been turned into a "Chamber of Sound" which let you sit above a grill and hear the sea rushing in below. It was very loud and blowy.

Then we went into Sagres for an ice cream.

Later for dinner we had fish fingers and fried potatoes.

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