Sunday 15 May 2016

Rhodes - Day 5

Toast for breakfast today. It had been our plan to go on a boat trip to Halki, but the weather forecast wasn't too good so we decided to give it a miss. Instead we drove the short distance to Lindos. It was cloudy with the occasional spot of rain.
We parked on the outskirts, and walked into town via to St Paul's Bay, which has a very picturesque chapel and two beaches crammed with (empty) sunbeds.

We then walked into Lindos itself, with its narrow streets full of tourist shops. There were some heavy rain showers but fortunately most of the streets were covered with canopies.

There's a steep staircase up to the Acropolis. Alternatively, you can get a donkey ride. We took the steps.

At the top there were some pretty heavy rain showers. We saw it all though. The views were restricted because of the cloud. Good views down to Lindos, with its many rooftop restaurants.

You could also see a tomb building on a peninsula on the opposite side of the bay, which we decided to walk to if the rain permitted later.

We walked back down, it was now mostly raining so we went back to the car, and drove north to Epta Piges (Seven Springs), buying cheese and biscuits for lunch on the way as we'd forgotten to bring ours! We ate our lunch in the car then went out for a walk when the rain stopped. There was a lake here, we could hear frogs croaking but it was difficult to see them.

The lake was fed by a stream through a tunnel you could walk through (we didn't), and at the other end were the seven numbered springs in the stream.

We then went back to Lindos and parked in the beach car park. We walked out to the tomb, passing a windmill on the way.

It was dry when we started but turned to heavy rain by the time we got back, so we sat under shelter in a beach bar for a while.

After going home we stayed in and made our own dinner, pasta and sauce.

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