Saturday 28 May 2016

Kintyre & Cowal - Day 2

After breakfast we drove on to Lochgilphead and had a walk round.  Then we went a bit further on to Ardrishaig, where we parked and got our bikes off and ready to go.

We planned  to cycle the Crinan Canal, which is 9 miles long and joins Loch Fyne to Loch Crinan, allowing boats going from the Clyde to the north and west to avoid a 100 mile detour round the Kintyre peninsula.

It was a bit overcast to start the day, but the forecast for later was better. We started at Lock 1 (there are 15 in total).

We passed lots of bridges and many boats going through the locks in both directions.

And a few interesting buildings.

Eventually we arrived at Crinan village, where we had a short walk and a lunch stop.

It was starting to get quite sunny and warm now.

Half way back we cut south a few miles to Barnluasgan, site of the Scottish Beaver Trial, where beavers are being reintroduced to the area. We walked round the loch and saw dams and lodges made by the beavers, but not the beavers themselves, which are mostly nocturnal.

After completing the cycle ride along the canal back to Ardrishaig, we drove to Tarbert for an ice cream and a walk around.

We then completed our journey to the camp site at Machrihanish. It was by now a very lovely evening.

Dinner was pasta and sauce. Later we walked down to the river where we saw some splashing, which might have otters, and a beautiful sunset.

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