Friday 30 August 2013


We have breakfast in our room, coffee and apple strudel bars we bought yesterday. Then take a tram to HB station in the city centre. We roughly follow the walking tour on the tourist map, which takes in the main sites and the old town.

When we reach Lake Zurich we get a boat across to Wollishofen on the west side of the lake, as we've seen adverts for a "Theaterspektakel" in the Landiwiese park there. It turns out it doesn't start till 6pm but the place looks nice so we decide to come back here later.

We walk back up the west side of the lake, then buy snacks and beer from the Coop and sit by the water having lunch.

We continue the walking tour, seeing the typical tourist sites like the Grosenmuster church.

In need of a rest we take a tram and bus from Central to China Garden on the east side of the lake and sit by the water for while.

After this we go and buy dinner from the Coop - pizza, strudel and some beer, and make  our way back to the Landiwiese park. We sit on the grass on the island till the sun goes down, it's very lovely.

We then cross to the theatre area and watch some free performances.

We get a train back to the centre and visit a "traditional" beer hall. This turns out to be the worst tourist-trap of all, one drink each while watching the band costs us £20!

After this we take the tram back to the hotel.

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