Sunday 18 August 2013


We  have an  8.45am start to the walk today, so  breakfast is at 7.45. It's a continental buffet, but with a vast choice of fruits, cereals, breads, jams, honeys, cheeses, meats, juices, nuts, pastries etc. - really very good.

After breakfast we walk to the village supermarket to get bread, cheese etc. to make up our lunch.

There are 2 categories of walk on this holiday, classed as D+ and C. C is the harder one, described as "Terrain moderate to hard. Daily walking times of between six and seven hours."

We both decide we'll do the C walk every day if possible. Julian will be leading all the C walks while Ursula leads the D+ walks. They tend to be in the same area, just slightly lower level and shorter.

We  start by getting the local service bus up the valley to the village of Serfaus, then two cable cars which take us up to a height of about 2300m.

We walk up around some small lakes then on towards the summit, which involves some scrambling. The summit of Glockspitze is at 2846m (9337 ft). The weather is mostly warm and sunny.

We have a longer walk down, to the middle cable car station, then back home by cable car, underground train and the free "Wanderbus".

Back in the room we try out the sauna, but don't really have much time before dinner. Sunday is the "Gala Dinner", which is 6 courses rather than the usual 5, for the main course we choose roast beef.

After dinner a few of us walk into the village for "Ladis is Burning", a fire, light and music show, commemorating a historical battle with Swiss.

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