Tuesday 27 August 2013

Bellano and Lecco

Today at breakfast in the hotel we speak to a Finnish couple who climbed up Monte San Primo above the hotel yesterday and highly recommended it. However the forecast is a bit cloudy and looks better tomorrow so we decide not to do it today.

We drive to the car ferry in Bellagio and take the car over to Varenna.

After parking in Varenna near the station we walk up to the Sentiero del Viandante near the castle, an old mule track dating back to the Roman period running along the eastern coast of Lake Como. We walk along this to Bellano, with great views of the lake along the way.

At Bellano we buy a train ticket back to Varenna before having a walk around the town. It seems a nice place, not as touristy as Bellagio for example. After spending time walking in the narrow pedestrianised lanes we almost miss the train!

Back in Varenna we retrieve the car and drive up over ridge to the next valley to the east. We stop at a the Cascata del Troggia, a waterfall in Introbio, for lunch.

Then we drive on to Lecco, where we decide to do a steep walk up to the San Antonia chapel. From there we get great views over Lecco and that part of Lake Como.

After descending we go home via the supermarket where we buy ham salad for dinner with some beer and wine.

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