Tuesday 20 August 2013

Anton Renke hut and Lake Grosensee

Today it's slightly cloudy to start but got hot and sunny later. We get a coach to the village of Fendels in the opposite valley then the chairlift up.

We walk up the side of the valley to Anton Renke hut, with great views of the nearby waterfall and across to the villages in "our" valley, Ladis, Fiss and Serfaus.

Then we walk further up to Lake Grosensee where we have lunch. Stunning scenery around here.

We walk back, but walk down to Fendels rather than getting the chairlift.

The main courses for dinner tonight are pork or salmon.

Later five of us get the bus to Fiss, where there's a fountain festival going on. This turns out to be local bands and dancing, with food, drink and craft stalls.

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